We have some rules to help us get the most out of the sessions. When you come to our classes, you agree to these rules. Please read them, and if you have any questions or suggestions, let us know before starting.
GOLDEN RULE: Play safe. You have to be with your child at all times. Parents are responsible for their child’s safety during the session. To let your child be creative and relaxed, supervise them at a close distance but allow them to take the lead.
All the materials we work with are carefully selected, non-toxic products designed for children, and we take care to make each activity age-appropriate. Nevertheless, young children tend to put things in their mouths and may be allergic or react badly (coeliac disease) to some of the ingredients. It is up to you to choose which play stations and which materials are safe for them to use. Please check with the session leader if you are unsure about any of the materials provided.
This is a sensory/stimulation session and your child will play with paint. Children (and parents!) should wear something comfortable and casual so that they are free to experiment with the lovely tactile, messy materials without fear of getting dirty. Aprons are not provided.
Bring things to help your child clean themselves up after the session (wipes, tissue, etc.) as these are not included in the workshop). All our paint is washable, although some of the dyed material might stain. We have child-sized toilets, basins with warm water, and a changing table.
When you are finished in a station, encourage your little one to leave the materials and tools in the correct place ready for the next child and to keep the classroom nice for everyone.
We make something every lesson so please put your child’s name on any work they’d like to take home.
We often take pictures and short films to share them on My Little Van Gogh’s social network and website. Please let me know before the session begins if you’d prefer your child not to be in the documented material.
The activities in the atelier are set up for the child to be as independent as possible because your child will have their own ideas and they learn better when they are free to test them by themselves.
The more you participate and enjoy the activity, the more your child will have fun and learn. Remember that you are a role-model for your child.
Join the learning process alongside your child. Try to see the materials through their eyes. Create, play, and get messy but allow your child to be the decision-maker, following their pace and interests.
​It is common for babies and toddlers to wander off and explore from time to time. Don’t worry if your child isn’t participating in the way you expected, this is totally OK. If your child first wants to observe, let them stand and watch for a bit while they get used to the environment. So, even if your child chooses to watch for a while, they are still learning.
Some children may be fearful of new sensations; be sensitive to this. Allow your child to work within their own comfort zone.
Let your children enjoy the sensory experience and emotional release of just messing around. Remember that most of the time they will not be painting to create a masterpiece, rather painting simply to explore the fun of painting.
Let them work on an activity as long as they like. It’s much better to do an activity over and over again than rushing to play in all stations. Repetition is how we all learn.​
During the exploration, help build their vocabulary by using descriptive and action words such as cold, hot, bumpy, shiny, smooth, pour, dump, scoop, sift, and splash.
Ask open-ended questions, for example: “I wonder what would happen if I add more water?” Such comments draw the child's attention to the possibilities for exploration without putting them under pressure to find the right answer.
When you are talking with your little artist about their masterpiece, let he/she tell you first about their artwork, but don't ask "what is that?" or say an automatic "I love it", maybe he/she wants to express a bad feeling
Encourage the creative proces asking: “If you could add something to your artwork, what would you like to add?”, “If this artwork could talk, what might it say?”, “What would you title this piece?”
Comment on the lines, colors, materials, textures etc. that they are using ("I see that you are making lots of purple dots", "I like how the red paint is mixing with the yellow paint here".).
...And please, don't forget ask them Sign their pieces

Let your kid exploring and experimenting with the art materials. The most important is the process, not the result
Please don't say automatically
"What a beautiful paint". Ask them about their work
Let your child be the decision maker, but engage in the creative process with them.
Please, don't give him many instructions
Play and use your imagination. Have fun and build endering memories!